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Anyone who accesses this website in any way or uses the information on this website directly or indirectly is deemed to voluntarily accept the constraints of this website statement.


  • Mrwbroker Terms of use: This agreement refers to the agreement entered into between you and Mrwbroker to stipulate the rights, rights, and interests between you and Mrwbroker during the entire online shopping process, such as logging in, using this platform to place orders, purchasing goods, paying for goods, and receiving goods. A written contract of obligations;
  • Mrwbroker rules: including all kinds of rules, notices, and announcements that have been published or may be published or revised by Mrwbroker in the future;

Scope of agreement and changes

  • Scope of the agreement. Mrwbroker rules are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the text of the agreement;
  • Agreement changes. In order to provide you with better service, Mrwbroker will adjust this agreement accordingly according to business changes. Mrwbroker will announce the revised content in advance in accordance with the law. Once the revised agreement is implemented, it will completely replace the previous agreement. You should pay attention to and understand the revisions, announcements, reminders, etc. If you do not agree with the revised agreement, please stop using Mrwbroker immediately, otherwise, it is deemed that you agree and fully accept the revised agreement;

User account

  • Behavioral capacity. Before registering a Mrwbroker account, you should confirm and promise that you have the civil capacity to comply with the laws and regulations and your behavior;
  • Login method. You can use Mrwbroker by registering for a Mrwbroker account;
  • Account registration. When registering a Mrwbroker account, you should provide true and valid information (including name, email address, contact number, contact address, etc.); at the same time, you should ensure the continued validity of the above information, and once the information changes, you should update it in time. Otherwise, you shall bear the relevant adverse consequences and all losses caused by untrue information and invalid contact information, and reserve the right to terminate the service provided to you;
  • Account custody. Your account is set up and kept by you, and Mrwbroker will not actively ask you to provide your account password at any time. You will be responsible for all the consequences caused by the improper custody of your account and password. If you successfully log in and use Mrwbroker with your account number and password, it will be regarded as your user behavior; you should be legally responsible for all activities and consequences of your account. You shall not transfer or authorize others to use your account in any form without authorization. Mrwbroker is not responsible for the losses and consequences caused by your active disclosure or lending of account information or because you are attacked or defrauded by others. Administrative and other remedies may seek compensation from the infringer;

Purchase of goods and services

  • Confirmation of order information. When you purchase goods or services from Mrwbroker, please be sure to carefully confirm the name, price, quantity, model, specification, size or service time, content, restrictive requirements, and other important matters of the purchased goods, and verify you when placing an order. Contact address, phone number, consignee, and other information. If the consignee you fill in is not yourself, you shall be responsible for the legal consequences arising from the consignee’s actions and expressions of intent;
  • Transaction order. Your purchase behavior should be based on real consumer needs, and you may not conduct malicious purchases, malicious rights protection, and other behaviors that disrupt the normal transaction order of Mrwbroker. Based on the need to maintain Mrwbroker’s transaction order and transaction security, Mrwbroker has the right to take measures such as closing relevant transaction orders, restricting account use functions, suspending or terminating services without prior notice to you when Mrwbroker finds the above situation;
  • Formation and entry into force of the contract. After you place an order through Mrwbroker, it only means that the system has received the order you placed. Only when you pay the price, the sales contract between you and the seller is established; only when you pay and the purchase is successful, does the sales contract between you and the seller takes effect;
  • Handling of violations. If your use of Mrwbroker violates national laws and regulations, this agreement, infringes the interests of others, Mrwbroker interests or social public interests, or seriously violates social morality, Mrwbroker has the right to take measures such as blocking relevant information, suspending or terminating the provision of services;

User Rules

You shall not engage in any conduct that infringes the intellectual property rights of Mrwbroker, or conduct other conduct that is detrimental to the legitimate rights and interests of Mrwbroker or other users, including but not limited to:

  • Use technologies such as hijacking domain name servers to illegally intrude or destroy Mrwbroker’s server software system, or modify, add, delete, steal, intercept, replace data in Mrwbroker’s system, or perform other behaviors that make it overloaded;
  • Impersonate Mrwbroker to post any fraudulent or false information;

Term, cancellation, and termination

  • This agreement will take effect from the date you confirm your consent and will remain in effect for a long time;
  • Account cancellation. You may request to cancel your account and terminate this agreement in accordance with the method announced on the platform;
  • In the following circumstances, Mrwbroker may notify you of the termination of this agreement in the manner stipulated in this agreement:
  • You violate this agreement, and Mrwbroker terminates this agreement in accordance with the breached terms;
  • You embezzle other people’s accounts, publish prohibited information, defraud other people’s property, disrupt the market order, take improper means to make profits, etc;
  • Your account is recovered by Mrwbroker;
  • Other situations where the service should be terminated;

Force Majeure

Failure of a party to perform in a timely manner or to perform any of its obligations (except payment obligations) under this agreement due to a force majeure event shall not constitute a breach of contract. However, the party affected by the force majeure event shall immediately notify the other party of the nature and extent of the force majeure event, and actively take corresponding remedial measures to minimize and avoid losses.


  • Independence of terms. If any provision of this agreement or any part of any provision is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable under applicable law, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this agreement or the validity of any other part of these terms;
  • Reservation of platform rights. Other rights not expressly authorized in this agreement are still reserved by Mrwbroker, and users may not exercise them without Mrwbroker’s written permission, andMrwbroker’s failure to exercise any of the aforementioned rights does not constitute a waiver of rights.